Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
$50,000 Presenting Sponsor (only one available): The Alva Bellmont Sponsorship
- Exclusive “Presenting Sponsor” title
- 10 VIP tickets for pre-show event, Suffs performance, and panel
- Largest logo on all materials (invitations, signage, and digital assets)
- Verbal mention during pre-show and by the panel moderator
We love hearing from you – please reach out to info@amspdc.org if you are interested in learning more about our work or
have suggestions on potential collaborators and/or donors.
Other ways to give: Reach out to info@amspdc.org and we will provide details on how to donate by Check or Bank Transfer.
AMSPDC is committed to your privacy; please read our privacy policy here.
Contributions go the Association of Medical School Pediatric Department Chairs (AMSPDC), a 501(c)(3) organization based in McLean, Viginia,
to be used at its discretion for its charitable purposes. They are tax-deductible in the U.S. to the fullest extent permitted by law.