Busting the Myths:
Exciting Career Opportunities in Pediatrics
A Webinar for First, Second, and Third Year Medical Students
November 3, 2021 8:00-9:30 pm ET
Hosted by the Pediatrics 2025: AMSPDC Workforce Initiative and in partnership with the
Association of Pediatric Program Directors, Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics, Council of Pediatric Subspecialities, FuturePedsResidents, and Next Gen Pediatricians
On November 3, 2021, we highlighted talented, thoughtful, and innovative pediatricians who are making remarkable contributions to the field of pediatrics. Speakers included physicians early in their careers who spoke to the excitement and potential opportunities for careers in pediatrics by telling their own stories and answering questions such as:
- What pushed you to a career in pediatrics?
- What is unique about opportunities in pediatrics?
- At this point in your career what have you been able to accomplish that medical students may not know is possible and how did you accomplish that?
- Other advice to medical students
8:00 pm Welcome / Overview: Robert J. Vinci, MD, Pediatrics 2025: AMSPDC Workforce Initiative Co-Lead and Laura Degnon, CAE, Pediatrics 2025: AMSPDC Workforce Initiative Co-Lead
Six themes will be covered with a short presentation and Q&A:
8:05 pm Clinician Innovator: Lucy Marcil, MD, MPH, Boston Medical Center
8:15 pm Basic Sciences Research: Kara L. Davis, DO, Stanford Child Health Research Institute
8:25 pm Health Services Research: Jason Nagata, MD, MSc, University of California, San Francisco
8:35 pm Advocacy: O. N. Ray Bignall II, MD, FAAP, FASN, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
8:45 pm Admin/QI: Keith Mann, MD, MEd, The American Board of Pediatrics
8:55 pm Education: Patricia Poitevien, MD, Hasbro Children’s Hospital
9:05 pm American Board of Pediatrics: Judy Schaechter, MD, Incoming CEO
9:10 pm Insights from PGY1s: Mekala Neelakantan, MD, University of Michigan, and Nick Heitkamp, MD, Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters
9:20 pm Open Discussion
9:30 pm Adjourn